EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
Material Properties / Streams of classical composition
In This Topic
    Streams of classical composition
    In This Topic


    Streams of type Air, Flue gas, Gas, Crude gas, Coal, Oil, User defined

    The handling of streams of the types

    is unified, so that the same substances can be present in each of these streams.

    With these stream types also solid (e.g. ash, soot) and liquid substances (e.g. liquid water, liquid NH3, liquid CO2) may also be present.

    For the solid fractions, you need to to specify an elementary analysis, so that they are handled correctly in a combustion calculation.

    Solids are the following substances: C, H, O, N, S, CL, ASH, LIME, CA, H2OB, ASHG, MG, CACO3, CAO, CASO4, MGCO3 and MGO. The solids are specified/displayed as a partial mass balance, and the remaining substances (if applicable without H2O) are scaled to 100% as a mixture (as mass or mole composition).

    Thus, different fuels of these stream types can be mixed, whereby different fuels can be supplied to a combustion chamber in one connection. For this purpose, components 60 (general merging) and 28 (collecting container) can be used.

    It must be noted that the reference point for enthalpy in this stream types is different from the one in the water/steam table. In the air/flue gas table, the zero point of enthalpy is fixed at 0°C for gaseous substances (i.e. also for gaseous water). If water is present in the liquid phase in an air/flue gas pipe, then its enthalpy is reduced by the enthalpy of evaporation (2500 kJ/kg). For this reason, negative enthalpy values can also appear in the air and flue gas lines at positive temperatures.

    Al these classical fluid types can be used as fuel input for the combustion chamber components.


    The following 83 substances are available, solids are marked in colour:



    See here for more details of the usable water tables.

    The phase equilibrium of water is calculated more precisely since Release 15 Patch 4, both for the liquid/gas transition and for the solid/gas and solid/liquid transitions. For the transition to the solid phase, the previous freezing point of -0.000001°C is retained for pressures below 1.352 bar, where the actual freezing point is above this temperature. The reason for this is to avoid changes in results when T=0°C is specified, as this is generally used in auxiliary designs in which H2O is desired in the liquid phase. As 0°C is also the default reference temperature for the exergy, it should be avoided that the reference point is in the ice phase.

    Thanks to the more precise calculation, two-phase states can now also be treated for almost pure water (> 99.999%). Since the pressure dependence is taken into account for the enthalpy at the freezing point, there is also a slight pressure dependence for the enthalpy of liquid water above the freezing point.


    Composition definitions

    The entry ”Composition defined by” allows to switch between different types of composition (proportions related to):

    All these options can of course also be used when displaying compositions in value crosses and for calls in EbsScript and EbsOpen.

    The ”Sum” always indicates the sum of the compositions specified in the composition field. Note that this value has to be ”1” when you leave the dialog, else you will get a calculation error.     

    The value fields ”Total Water Fraction” and ”Total Ash Fraction” always indicate the total fraction of water or ash, respectively, in the flow consisting of elementary coal, water and ash. Therefore, these values do not change if you switch from ”Raw” to ”WAF”, ”WF” or ”AF”. In the ”Raw” mode, neither the ”Total Water Fraction” nor the ”Total Ash Fraction” are editable. In ”WAF” and ”WF” modes, the ”Total Water Fraction” is editable, in ”WAF” and ”AF” modes, the ”Total Ash Fraction” is editable.

    In the composition list, the substances are listed according to the composition definition (”Raw”, ”WAF”, ”WF” or ”AF”), except ”Ash” and ”Chemical bound water (H20B)”.

    In ”RAW” mode, all entries are total fractions. The sum of all entries must be one.

    In the ”WAF” mode, the entries ”Ash” and ”Chemical bound water (H20B)” are total fractions and identical to the corresponding entries in the info field. All other entries are relative to the water and ash free fraction of the input medium. The sum of all entries except ”Ash” and ”Chemical bound water (H20B)” must be 1.

    In the ”WF” mode, only the entry ”Chemical bound water (H20B)” is a total fraction and identical to the entry ”Total Water Fraction” in the info field. All other entries are relative to the water-free fraction of the input medium. The sum of all entries except ”Chemical bound water (H20B)” must be 1.

    In the ”AF” mode, only the entry ”Ash” is a total fraction and identical to the entry ”Ash” in the info field. All other entries are relative to the ash-free fraction of the input medium. The sum of all entries except ”Ash” must be 1.


    Consideration of non-gaseous components for the specific volume of gases

    Only the gaseous components were considered for the calculation of the specific volume (and thus also the density) of gases (air, flue gas, gas, crude gas), because the fraction of the liquid
    and solid components to the specific volume is generally negligible due to the higher density

    Generally the specific volume of these components cannot be calculated because usually only the elementary composition or the general specification “ash“ is specified for this.

    The option to specify a density for this fraction (liquid and solid parts) in the specification value “Density for fraction defined by elementary analysis“ (RHOELEM) has been created.
    Up to Release 10, the density specification (specification value RHO) was only used for oil. For standardization purposes, RHOELEM has to be used for oil, too. RHO is no longer available as a specification value.

    As result values on the lines there are both RHO (mean density of the total flow) and RHOELEM (Density for fraction defined by elementary analysis).

    If a value of 0 is entered for the density (RHOELEM), the fraction of the substances given as elementary analysis will be neglected when determining the specific volume.

    In the case of the non-gaseous components the chemical composition of which is known, the specific volume is determined from the corresponding material data. This applies to liquid
    H2O, NH3, and CO2, for which libraries are integrated in Ebsilon, as well as the new substances for the direct desulfurization, for which the following constants are used:

    Their data has been taken from a publication of the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) (http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/form-ser.html). 

    The elements Mg and Ca themselves as they are metals do not take part in a combustion. As, however, the new Component Gibbs Reactor treats these elements in balance, they are included in the list of available substances as well.    
    In the Ebsilon components that carry out a combustion, however, these elements are always burned completely. In the exhaust gas and in the slag, there will not be any unburnt Mg or Ca. The specification values in Component 21 and 90 concerning combustion efficiency and distribution of unburnt matters apply to the elements C, H, O, N, S, Cl only.
    When specifying unburned matter in Components 21 and 90, this still only refers to the elements C, H, O, N, S and Cl; unburned Mg and Ca do not occur in the exhaust gas.

    If bound water (H2OB) is present in the coal, this is regarded as a component of the coal, i.e. it is assumed that this proportion is already contained in RHOELEM. H2O on a coal pipe (e.g. rainwater between the pieces of coal), on the other hand, is calculated separately using the material data for H2O.

    Heating value definition

    See chapter Heating values. 



    All the other substances, which do not take part in the combustion, can be modelled in Ebsilon with the material “Ash”. It is possible to assign different thermodynamic properties to these substances, in which a correction factor for the specific heat is specified via the component 1 or 33. The cp-value calculated for ash from the material data library is then multiplied with this factor.
    Contrary to the user-defined fluid, in which the coefficients are to be defined globally for the entire model, it is possible in case of the cp-correction factor to specify different values at different points of the model. The different ashes can also be mixed.
    The cp-correction factor for the respective line is printed on the sheet “Composition” as “CPCORR” after the calculation.


    By implementing the direct desulfurization more precise physical properties are available for “Lime“. In particular, a differentiation is made between burnt lime (CaO) and slaked lime (Ca(OH2)) in the specification. When loading models created with Release 10 or older, “Lime“ is identified with Ca(OH2). If this is not desired it must be changed manually. For the previous substance “Lime”, the same cp-polynomials were used like for ash. Other data for Ca (OH2) and CaO are available, so that a slightly different enthalpy will result in the case of specified temperature. As the lime portions are usually small, this might not be too relevant in practice. If the old results for enthalpy are to be reproduced, the following trick is recommended: as for the previous substance “Lime“ the same cp-polynomials are used as for ash (where “Ash” in Ebsilon is a synonym for all solid incombustible substances that are not further specified), the substance “Ash” can be used instead of “Lime”.

    EbsScript Functions

    All available functions - Formulation Gas Table): see Material-Properties Calculator ---> Function/Property Call 

    The following functions are available in the validity range of -30 to 2000 °C and from 0.01 to 30 bar:

     The Gas Table Formulation integrated in EBSILON®Professional  contains i.a. the following functions

    h = f(p, t)



    s = f(p, t)



    t = f(p, h)



    t = f(p, s)



    h = f(p, s)



    s = f(p, h)



    cp = f(p, h)



    v = f(p, t)



    cp = f(p, t)



    x_sat = f(p, t)


    water-steam saturation concentration

    x_H2OL = f (p, t)


    fraction of liquid water



    Mole weight



    net calorific value


    Two more functions are also available for doing conversions between mass and mol fractions:

    Mass fractions --> Mol fractions


    Mol fractions --> Mass fractions



    Solid and liquid fractions are not included in this conversion. This also applies to the functions for calculation the specific volume.

    Because of the expansion of the CO2 library by solid CO2, a function "phase(p,h)” has been implemented that states in the range of which phase you are. It provides the following values: